Your Results — Psychosis & Schizophrenia Test:

Possible Risk for Psychosis

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About your score

Each time you answered “Yes”, you also answered a distress question which is scored as following:

Strongly Disagree =1, Disagree =2, Neutral=3, Agree=4, Strongly Agree=5

Click “Your Answers” above to see your score for each question. Item scores are summed, with a possible range of scores from 0 – 105.

Interpreting your Total Score

People who score 24 or more on the distress questions may be at heightened risk for developing psychosis. Sometimes these experiences are part of another mental health issue, such as depression or anxiety. This means you should have further assessment from a mental health professional (preferably one with knowledge of early psychosis) to explore what might be going on.


Loewy, Rachel L., et al. (2011). Psychosis risk screening with the Prodromal Questionnaire—Brief Version (PQ-B). Schizophrenia research 12(1) pp. 42-46.

Screenings with missing answers cannot be scored. A positive score on the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief Version (PQ-B) suggests the need for further evaluation by a qualified health (M.D., R.N.) or mental health (Ph.D., Psy.D., LCSW) professional who is trained in recognizing the early signs of psychosis.  The PQ-B is designed to test for Prodrome or Ultra high-risk of Psychosis and is considered the first step in a two-stage screening process.

Your Answers

1. Do familiar surroundings sometimes seem strange, confusing, threatening or unreal to you?
2. Have you heard unusual sounds like banging, clicking, hissing, clapping or ringing in your ears?
3. Do things that you see appear different from the way they usually do?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q3):
Agree (4)
4. Have you had experiences with telepathy, psychic forces, or fortune telling?
5. Have you felt that you are not in control of your own ideas or thoughts?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q5):
Agree (4)
6. Do you have difficulty getting your point across, because you ramble or go off the track a lot when you talk?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q6):
Strongly agree (5)
7. Do you have strong feelings or beliefs about being unusually gifted or talented in some way?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q7):
Neutral (3)
8. Do you feel that other people are watching you or talking about you?
9. Do you sometimes get strange feelings on or just beneath your skin, like bugs crawling?
10. Do you sometimes feel suddenly distracted by distant sounds that you are not normally aware of?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q10):
Neutral (3)
11. Have you had the sense that some person or force is around you, although you couldn’t see anyone?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q11):
Agree (4)
12. Do you worry at times that something may be wrong with your mind?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q12):
Strongly agree (5)
13. Have you ever felt that you don't exist, the world does not exist, or that you are dead?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q13):
Agree (4)
14. Have you been confused at times whether something you experienced was real or imaginary?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q14):
Strongly agree (5)
15. Do you hold beliefs that other people would find unusual or bizarre?
16. Do you feel that parts of your body have changed in some way, or that parts of your body are working differently?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q16):
Disagree (2)
17. Are your thoughts sometimes so strong that you can almost hear them?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q17):
Neutral (3)
18. Do you find yourself feeling mistrustful or suspicious of other people?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q18):
Strongly agree (5)
19. Have you seen unusual things like flashes, flames, blinding light, or geometric figures?
20. Have you seen things that other people can't see or don't seem to see?
21. Do people sometimes find it hard to understand what you are saying?
If YES: When this happens, I feel frightened, concerned, or it causes problems for me (Q21):
Agree (4)

Your results indicate that you are experiencing some signs of psychosis.

These results are not meant to be a diagnosis. You can meet with a doctor or therapist to get a diagnosis and/or access therapy or medications. Sharing these results with someone you trust can be a great place to start.

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