Thank you for participating in the Overcoming Thoughts study!


The Overcoming Thoughts tool was developed in two versions. If you are seeing this page, you tested a limited version of the tool. This version is no longer active, but you can use the full version using the link below.

In addition to the functionality you already experienced, the full version allows you to see other people’s responses. All responses are anonymous, even if you are logged in.

Note: You may need to create a new login to use this version of the tool. Data from the non-crowdsourced version has not been transferred over. If you have any questions, please email Kevin Rushton at [email protected].

Use the Overcoming Thoughts tool (crowdsourced version)

Please also feel free to take one of our free, confidential mental health tests, or read our articles about mental health.

The Overcoming Thoughts study is a collaboration between Mental health America and the University of California, Irvine.