What Others Are Saying
- Today is 4.2.2025. new year new meeeeeeeeee. Im good.. im not depressed and i want to live. i feel like i am a new person reading old messages, i almost feel like someone else wrote it and like im incapable of feeling like i felt before or of things i was describing which is good. Im really fine. im stil not close to my famiy ike i wanted but time is the keyyyyy. im working on myself and i know im on my way to the best version of myself (or at least a good one) poor me i cant believe i was feeling like that. of course sometimes im still anxious but that depression is gone.
- Negative thoughts
- im ugly
- I feel really sad
- Feeling anxious about a test
- V2K
- rude patients
- not being able to finish my powerpoint
- mike had sex with someone else on that bed
- mike having had sex with someone else
- beat
- I will always be sad.
- My mom doesn’t love me
- The fact that I called out today, cannot be at work.
- anxiety
- test
- People die from being around me Im a fuck face
- I'm afraid of a health issue
- I have to start taking more steps for myself and it I’m scared and feel depressed. I can’t trust anyone I thought I can trust.
- Grief
- the people I love all want to kill themselves and sometimes so do I.
- I feel like I’m being gas lit by family.
- Financial situation and the future
- stress
- I'm not talented and I can't keep a relationship alive and I am scared of being vulnerable and getting hurt
- focusing
- depersonalization
- I don't know what I'm doing with my life
- I am not good enough for my job
- wow... im happy actually. everything seems to be fine and i feel that my mental health has improved a lot. i used to think about myself in a bad way calling myself ugly and many bad thing but im actually kinda cutee and pretty. i love myself or atleast im trying and its working. im kinda feeling emotional now because of reading what was november 2023. i went from accepting i want to die to be excited do start my life the way i want... who would have thought.. im happy i survived i will no longr be so harsh on myself because i dont deserve that. kikina if you lose your way again just find something that makes you happy and i promise evrything will be fine never et anything ruin you the way it did before. i love you. i notice how my mental health is better and sometimes i want to cry the way i did before but i cant because im not feeling it anymore. its just not working like it did before. like sometimes i feel like i really need to cry hard but i cant. but its okay i just cry less now. im fine im really good
- Helplessness, Rage, Trapped, Controlled
- asd
- shopping
- I'm stupid and rude and ungrateful and unkind.
- I hate myself and I hate my life and everyone in my life hates me and I really, really want to die.
- Every job interview so far I've been turned down. I'm worried I will never find a job and will become homeless because I can't pay my bills.
- How do I always fix other people but never seem to fix myself? Why am I in so much need of help? Who am I? Why doesn't he love me like he used to? What have I done to everyone to make them hate me? I swear the only thing that brings me real joy is being alone. That way I can work on myself with interuptions.
- How do I fix my mistakes? How can I help someone else be happy when I'm not happy? How does he love me? How can he put up with all my shit and all my problems without complaining? How can he stand to be with me when I'm a total psycho? I'm psychologically ill and he still loves me.
- Am I a bad person?
- I'm awful at my job and everyone hates me
- How lazy I am
- Suicide
- Fear
- Why do I always feel the need to take the blame for everything?
- Wanting to die
- My dad needed to be kingdom minded when it came to my graduation and stupid fellowship event, but not kingdom minded when it came down to taking a job that required him to miss church half the time.
- i hate my life
- Worthless
- I think I want to break up with my boyfriend
- Lies
- struggling to live when everyone else's counting on me. i've given up on everything because it's hurting me to even live anymore.
- i'm scared about money
- Helping someone I care about
- I don't want to go to class
- I don't want to live anymore.
- fghj
- fghjk
- thinking i’m not enough
- scared
- scared
- Everything I want is a contradiction
- I want to die
- I just don't enjoy things anymore
- I’m tired
- I make everyone’s lives harder. I am not enough
- My husband does not love me and I do not feel appreciated as a mother
- I make everything harder
- all of them
- A great deal has happened since I last used this website. I've been struggling a lot more with porn, I'm regressing more and more back to my old ways and my parents give me more trouble and make me lose my identity more, all the things I've learned that I'm trying to keep and hold on to. Recently, My parents and I went to a family counselor, Mr. Shanon Thomas, the same counselor I went to a while back to help with what I've been struggling with. He didn't help me with it, really. He did help me with my family trouble. I told him the truth, that I was afraid that they were narcissistic and what Dad did to Daniel during Thanksgiving break. He understood. It feels reassuring. However, I'm still not being the real me. I will ask God and Jesus to heal me so I can be the real, true, authentic me. I've been having trouble getting my thoughts out, recently. I've been going along with so many terrible lies that now it seems as if I'm having trouble being able to stop these things in my mind, like the real me can. God, please heal me so that I can stop these things. God, please heal me so I don't believe all these terrible lies and so I don't go along with all of these terrible lies and all of these bad things that I've been giving into.
- I want to kms
- im scared that it wont work out and that he isnt attracted to me
- I have no future
- I don’t care
- hi
- Hi
- Hi
- I’m a mess
- yea
- Job
- Fear
- No sense of identity
- Don't like my body
- There is no reason to live
- I am afraid of losing my partner and my job
- Emotional numbness
- I feel empty inside and I don't know why.
- I'm struggling to be there for my friend. I hope i could be her so I could tak away all her pain and she would all right. I'd suffer and die but I'd alright with it.
- Financial and future
- today i can say im okay, but theres just not even one day without stress. im stressing myself a lot everyday but i try to think but something else and that works. bad thoughts come back as always but i keep doing the same thing all over again. i feel like others dont go through the same things i do, because they seem fine they have fun and a lot of friends and they are actually living their life not just being physically here and dead inside. i will sound a little bit selfish, but hearing them saying how they hate life because they dont have anyone. literally you have a lot of people in your life, you have a whole family that loves you, you are pretty which makes everything easier for you. meanwhile im here knowing i want to die and accepted it and how everyone hates me ignores me a dont have anyone or wont have anyone. you have a whole life that is in front of you but i dont. and i accepted it i mean yes it kinda makes me sad but like i said i accepted it im okay with it i wont try to change it anymore. if it changes ten it changes. i guess we really dont know whats happening in others people lives. we cant judge them but i gotta say it made me feel like no one really knows me which is actually true. someone told me a dont let people close to me and i was like yeah i already know bad not thing about it too much but then i really started thing about it and wow. i wasnt my whole life like this, i dont let people close to me because ive been hurt as a child a lot with this stuff, like letting people close to me and loving them with my whole heart but that person always realized im not enough and they found someome else it ended up me being sad and alone watching that one i loved leaving me for someone else- well thats why i feel like i dont matter and that everyone will leave me. that i will never be enough. thats why i dont let people close to e, everoyne will hurt me and leave me anyway so why try. i dont even let my family close to me. thats has been bothering me last time- how im not close to my family. not to my aunts uncles cousins.... just nothing. i dont have that relationship with them like i should have. i want but iat te same time i dont. i dont feel comfortable around them because i barely speak to the, feels like he is the only chance. i dont want to put pressure on him. dont want him to feel like he has to save me or something, but i know he can save me. i wont tell him that. if things dont work out he will think its his fault because he could save me.
- today i realized something.. i was laughing at something like videos or i was just on my phone and something made me laugh. for a few min i forgot all the horrible things that are happening. because i forgot it made me think how im doing better maybe i was overreacting or maybe im not that sure about my death but them booom.... i closed my phone and all the reality came back. the thing i realized is no im not better that was just a second of feeling no anxiety. my point is thats not a real life watching a video that will make you laugh then back to reality. to that sad anxious horrible everyday reality. i accepted that i dont want to live anymore and i want my life to end. it is my decision right.
- I don't enjoy anything
- my teacher is an asshole
- I am not good enough
- Please
- im not a good person, worthless and i dont really deserve to complain about anything, im a terrible person and people just dont know that, im sure everyone secretly hates me deep down in their hearts, but they just put up w me, they 'tolerate' my presence, tho i always act good and that deceives them,, esp my friends into thinking im a good person, they 'love' me but they wont anymore if they knew the true me,, im vile and disgusting and im just waiting for them to figure out how horrible i am so they could finally see the true me and leave me as they should.
- I've mostly accepted that I'm not fine and that's OK, there's no real need to be fine. Though life does get quite dull at times, especially when you have high intelligence, since it causes you to wonder and look up things. Ignorance is bliss they say.. Anyway to anyone reading this or to future me, it still feels like I'm on the curve up so that's good. Although I must say it does get quite boring in life, especially in the weekends when you want to do something, but have no one to do it with, making you feel like not doing it, which in turn brings you down. My advice to future me or anyone else reading this and feeling similarly, you might think "oh I'm only distracting myself from my sadness" and while that may be true, is that really so bad? If it makes you happy I say do it, you miss every shot you don't take. But also remember to get time for yourself if you need it. That's it for this time, Tils signing out! ☺️
- I've experienced some stuff online, i could talk about it to the people i know, and i dont think they would dislike me for it, its just... I don't think they would ever really see me in the same way, and the fun experiences wouldn't ever feel the same again either..
- I hate myself. I hate— I want to—Not allowed to say that. You know what. I want to you know what.
- I feel empty
- Something really humiliating happened to me today and I can't stop thinking about it. Also, on a more serious note that should be my number one priority but my brain doesn't work that way, my friend told me they really, seriously, genuinely want to kill themselves, and the last time they were like that they were hospitalized for a long time. Also also, my sibling hasn't said a word to me in a month and they matter more than anyone else in the world, and I love them so much, and they ARE my world and my reason for not killing myself, and they've decided to pretend I don't exist and I can't deal with it.
- My family is pretending I don't exist. My life makes me miserable. I can only see it getting worse from here. I want to be dead.
- I feel really unahppy
- even worse than before? no i dont think so.. just the same thing over and over again. everytime i get power i start to do things trying to be okay telling myself i can do this and how strong i am at the end of it i alwayes end up like this, why god wont give me one thing i really want and need? just this one thing god please take me away from here i cant do this anymore. i have nightmares about dissapointing poeple and them being mad at me and me being a failure. i wake up and instantly start crying. i just cry with the feeling that i cant do anything about it anymore or maybe i could but i really dont want anymore. all i want is to leave this i want dont want to live. really no. why god? i know maybe you see my future or maybe its not my time yet. but whatever my future is... i give up on it. i dont want it anymore...i dont want to be here. im just doing problems to the people i love. theyre mad at me for everything. breathing, talking... honestly im tired of mmyself talking and breathing. even it looks like he doesnt care anymore so im done. is the only one who truly loves me god? when i cant even do that to myself? im begging him to take me away from here. please.
- My mind races at night and I can’t seem to slow it down to enjoy anything. I go and go and go during the day and then at night I am bored and nothing feels super engaging to my brain. It comes and goes and I will pick up a hobby for a week or a month or a year and then get bored and move on to something else. Lately it’s been much worse.
- Self image
- I can't pass as a guy; my chest and my voice continue to make me more likely to start crying and not want to go outside because of how people perceive me.
- Suicide
- Que me quede sola al terminar mi relación.
- I hate being alone but all I ever end up doing is pushing people away or hurting the people I love. I want to change because everyone says I'm a good person on the inside, but my emotions cause me to do things I never should do.
- self-esteem, letting people go, anxiety, being happy