About This Service
C.A.T.S. is our in-school health program that serves parents and children by teleconferencing with one of our offices via mobile device to allow sick visits during school hours. This saves parents from having to leave work to take their child to the doctor for problems such as: pink eye, ear infection, common cold, strep, flu, urinary tract infections, rashes, allergies, and lice. We also provide services in Mental Health, primary care, behavioral health, on-site diagnostics, and patient assistance. Reach out to Cleveland Family Healthcare Center via phone or online chat at https://ocoeeregional.com/.
Phone: 423-478-1970
Website: https://ocoeeregional.com/
About the Provider
Cleveland Family Healthcare Center ORHC was established in 1978 with a vision of bringing quality healthcare to rural Southeast Tennessee. Since opening our doors, we have expanded our service footprint to include Meigs, Rhea, Bledsoe, Grundy, and Bradley counties. Each location offers a minimum of two providers as well as a caring support staff of nurses and office management to meet all of your medical needs. In order to better serve our community, extended hours are offered throughout the week to accommodate your busy schedule. For non-insured and low-income patients, we offer a sliding-scale payment plan (based on your income).
1420 Fritz Street Cleveland, TN 37323
Pricing Information
Please contact the provider for information about insurance coverage and sliding scale payments.
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