Depression often comes with changes in sleep. For some, this means sleeping way too much. People report that no matter how much they sleep they still feel exhausted. It can feel like your body is made of lead and there is something physically pulling you down. No amount of stimulants or coffee seem to help.

It’s important to talk to a doctor to make sure this is not a sign of another health condition, even if you have other symptoms or a history of depression.

If you are taking medication, talk to your doctor. Some medications can make you really tired. This can be addressed by decreasing a medication, changing the time you take it, adding another medication to address tiredness, or trying a different medication.

Some things people struggling with sleep and depression find helpful are:

  • Eating a healthy diet;
  • Avoiding or reducing drug and/or alcohol use;
  • Talking to a doctor about medication;
  • Exercising, even if it’s just starting with a ten minute walk every day;
  • Avoiding naps;
  • Sticking to a schedule; or
  • Making plans with other people.

Just like all other mental health issues, steps we take to address oversleeping in depression can take time before we start to notice a difference. If you keep going, reaching out to others for support, and doing the small things, big changes eventually come.

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