Overcoming Negative Thoughts

In this activity, you’ll answer questions that you can use in real life to increase hope and control and feel better.

Please take a moment to answer these optional questions before starting the activity. Your answers will help us understand how it affects your emotions, and improve it for people like you!
How positive or negative are you feeling right now?
How intense are your current feelings?
The feelings I'm having right now are:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Overcoming negative thoughts. What negative thought are you struggling with?
  1. What negative thought are you struggling with?

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  2. Where does this negative thought come from?

    Negative thoughts usually come from our past experiences. What happened in your life that makes you believe this thought?

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  3. If your friend was dealing with the same negative thought, what would you say to help them feel more hopeful?

    Then, imagine your friend telling you this more hopeful thought.

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  4. What do you need to say or do so you can truly believe the more hopeful thought?

    What do you need to let go of so you can feel better? What do you need to say to convince yourself or focus on the positive?

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