Exploring connection to something outside of ourselves

Sometimes when we are experiencing depression or anxiety, we become lost in our negative thoughts and lose our connections to things outside of ourselves. Losing those connections can make our mental health even worse.

Many people use the term spirituality to talk about deeper connections to something outside of ourselves—whether that’s God, nature, other people, art, music, or anything else that gives us a sense of meaning.

Reconnecting with this sense of connection can help us cope with mental health challenges. Let’s explore it together!

  1. 1. What happens when you get caught up in your own thoughts/mind?

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  2. 2. Think of a time when you were able to get outside of your own head and really felt connected to something outside yourself. What was that like?

    (It’s ok if it was a long time ago or only lasted a moment.)

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  3. 3. What were you doing at the time that helped open you up to these experiences?

    (Thank about what you were doing—not what was happening to you.)

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  4. 4. What happens when you go a long time without having these experiences?

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  5. 5. What can you do to keep yourself open to having these experiences regularly?

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