Drug Use and Mental Health Sort Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest Can I smoke weed without being addicted?Am I harming myself? Types of self-harmWhy can’t I stop using drugs or alcohol?How can I identify triggers that make me want to use?My partner doesn’t want me to stop using drugs or get betterSomeone I love overdosedHow do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe?How do I cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?How can I stop using drugs?Is it safe to stop using heroin by myself?Am I addicted to pills?How can I manage my emotions without drugs or alcohol?I need to use to feel betterI feel alone and want to use or drinkEverything around me makes me want to useI’m afraid no one will help me with my sobrietyI’ve started drinking or using at workI’m addicted to more than one substance. What do I do?Will I get in trouble for drinking or using at school?Do I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober?My kid started smoking weed. How do I talk to them?My brain feels like it’s screaming at me!I blame myself for my loved one’s addictionHow do I find a drug/alcohol counselor?Do I still need to attend meetings if I’ve been in recovery for a while?A Letter to “Risky Business”Filling the VoidHelpful vs. Harmful Ways to Manage Emotions Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAddiction