Youth Mental Health Articles A-Z Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest 8 signs of an emotionally abusive relationshipADAA Online Peer-to-Peer Anxiety and Depression Support GroupAm I depressed or just sad?Can I accept myself?Dealing with Tough SituationsFeeling lonely in a crowdHelpful vs. Harmful Ways to Manage EmotionsHow can I be ok when the world is terrible?How can I get help without my family knowing?How can I set boundaries with my family?How can I stop feeling so insecure?How can connecting with others help my mental health?How do I give love to others?How do I love myself?How do I tell my parents I have an addiction?How do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe?How to cope when a loved one relapsesHow to talk to your parents about mental healthI am a failureI can’t deal with pressure and expectations!I can’t get motivated!I can’t get out of bedI can’t sit still!I can’t sleep!I can’t stop sleepingI can’t stop snapping at people!I can’t stop thinking about bad things that could happenI don’t feel like I belong anywhereI don’t want to live, but I don’t want to die.I feel out of control!I hate my bodyI hate myselfI hold grudgesI miss my friends.I overthink everythingI’m bullied because I’m LGBTQ+/queerI’m feeling lonely.I’m really angry at the worldIf my parents are alcoholics, am I going to be an alcoholic?Is bipolar genetic?1 2 Next Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAbuse | ADHD | Anxiety | Depression | Eating Disorder | Loneliness | Relationships | Self-Harm | Sleep | Suicide