Youth Mental Health Articles Newest Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest I can’t get motivated!I can’t deal with pressure and expectations!I can’t sleep!Who can I talk to about my mental health?Q Chat Space: Online chats for LGBTQ+ youthMy life is overIs bipolar genetic?Is mental illness genetic?I hate myselfI feel out of control!I can’t stop snapping at people!What are the best apps for depression?What are the best apps for anxiety?If my parents are alcoholics, am I going to be an alcoholic?Who can get PTSD?What is Complex PTSD?What is an eating disorder?I can’t get out of bedWhat’s the difference between anxiety and being stressed?I don’t feel like I belong anywhereSomeone I care about killed themselvesWhat is anxiety?I can’t stop thinking about bad things that could happenI hate my bodyIs it normal to black out when drinking?My family members are abusiveI can’t stop sleepingI’m really angry at the worldWhat is depression?Am I depressed or just sad?ADAA Online Peer-to-Peer Anxiety and Depression Support GroupHelpful vs. Harmful Ways to Manage EmotionsStopping “Stupid Thoughts”How to talk to your parents about mental healthYouth Mental Health Facts Previous 1 2 Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAbuse | ADHD | Anxiety | Depression | Eating Disorder | Loneliness | Relationships | Self-Harm | Sleep | Suicide