All Addiction-Related Articles

  1. I’m really angry at the world

  2. I’ve started drinking or using at work

  3. If I drink a lot, does that make me an alcoholic?

  4. If my parents are alcoholics, am I going to be an alcoholic?

  5. Is it normal to black out when drinking?

  6. Is it okay to drink with my parents or family?

  7. Is it okay to smoke weed while I am in recovery?

  8. Is it safe to detox alone?

  9. Is it safe to stop drinking by myself?

  10. Is it safe to stop using heroin by myself?

  11. Is microdosing safe?

  12. Keep your mind grounded

  13. Managing Frustration and Anger

  14. My brain feels like it’s screaming at me!

  15. My children don’t trust me anymore because of my drinking or using

  16. My friends drink as much as I do. Are they alcoholics too?

  17. My kid started smoking weed. How do I talk to them?

  18. My life is over

  19. My loved one’s behavior is scaring me

  20. My mind is racing!

  21. My partner doesn’t want me to stop using drugs or get better

  22. Nothing excites me anymore

  23. People don’t want me to be sober

  24. Practicing Radical Acceptance

  25. Set up a psychiatric advance directive (PAD)

  26. Should I get into a relationship in early recovery?

  27. Should I kick out my child for using or drinking?

  28. Should I reconnect with my toxic friend or family member?

  29. Someone I care about killed themselves

  30. Someone I love is in jail

  31. Someone I love overdosed

  32. Stopping “Stupid Thoughts”

  33. The PATH to Calm: 4 steps to calm your mind

  34. Think Ahead: Mental Health Crisis Plan

  35. Thinking traps: How can I deal with negative thoughts?

  36. Treating Internet Addiction

  37. Types of intrusive thoughts

  38. What are the side-effects of antipsychotic meds?

  39. What do healthy boundaries look like in recovery?

  40. What does healthy drinking look like?

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For people who are concerned about their use of alcohol, drugs, or other behaviors, like gambling or self-harm.