All Addiction-Related Articles

  1. 50 self-care activities to do when you don’t know where to start

  2. 8 of the best meditation apps

  3. A Letter to “Risky Business”

  4. Am I addicted to pills?

  5. Am I harming myself? Types of self-harm

  6. Am I having too much sex?

  7. Can I be a good parent if I have an addiction?

  8. Can I go to AA if I don’t believe in God?

  9. Can I smoke weed without being addicted?

  10. Can I use mental health meds if I have an addiction?

  11. Can meditation improve my mental health?

  12. Can you be addicted to a behavior?

  13. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  14. Do I have to stop drinking forever?

  15. Do I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober?

  16. Do I need to go to the hospital?

  17. Everyone else in recovery is doing better than me

  18. Everything around me makes me want to use

  19. Filling the Void

  20. Finding a Hospital

  21. Helpful vs. Harmful Ways to Manage Emotions

  22. How can I cope with bipolar disorder and addiction?

  23. How can I identify triggers that make me want to use?

  24. How can I manage my emotions without drugs or alcohol?

  25. How can I manage my emotions?

  26. How can I overcome addiction in a rural community?

  27. How can I stop drinking?

  28. How can I stop using drugs?

  29. How do I cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

  30. How do I deal with anger in recovery?

  31. How do I deal with depression and addiction?

  32. How do I deal with my emotions when I’m sober?

  33. How do I deal with suicidal thoughts and addiction?

  34. How do I deal with trauma and addiction?

  35. How do I find a drug/alcohol counselor?

  36. How do I find myself again in recovery?

  37. How do I keep going after relapse?

  38. How do I make amends?

  39. How do I manage an addiction while I’m stuck at home?

  40. How do I overcome judgment while in recovery?

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Abuse  |  Bipolar  |  Loneliness  |  Psychosis  |  Relationships  |  Self-Harm  |  Suicide

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For people who are concerned about their use of alcohol, drugs, or other behaviors, like gambling or self-harm.