All Loneliness-Related Articles Z-A Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest Will people like the real me?Why am I having suicidal thoughts?Who am I really?Where can I find people like me?What makes a good friend?Someone I love is in jailSomeone I care about killed themselvesSocial Confidence and ConnectionsOsmind Online CommunityNobody likes meNo one cares about meMy family doesn’t respect my identityMy children don’t trust me anymore because of my drinking or usingJust Checking In on friendsIs social media making me depressed?I’m still grievingI’m feeling lonely.I’m ashamed of the way I amI’m afraid of losing someoneI’m afraid no one will help me with my sobrietyI miss my friends.I feel isolatedI feel awkwardI don’t feel like I belong anywhereI destroy everything!How do I love myself?How can I stop feeling so insecure?How can I be ok when the world is terrible?Feeling lonely in a crowdEmpower WorkDo I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober?Am I toxic?Am I in denial? Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAddiction | Anxiety | Depression | Postpartum Depression | Relationships | Self-Harm | Suicide