All Suicide-Related Articles Sort Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest I’m afraid I’m going to kill myselfI think about death all the timeI don’t want to live, but I don’t want to die.I want to dieMy life is overHow can I tell someone I’m suicidal?What happens if I call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline?Why am I having suicidal thoughts?I want to kill myselfNobody likes meI don’t feel like I belong anywhereSomeone I care about killed themselvesTypes of intrusive thoughtsI hate myselfMy family member refuses to go to the hospitalMy loved one’s behavior is scaring meAm I harming myself? Types of self-harmHow do I deal with suicidal thoughts and addiction?I feel better. Can I go off my meds?Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)Do I need to go to the hospital?I’m afraid I’ll go to the hospital againNo one cares about meCrisis Plan for Your Support SystemThink Ahead: Mental Health Crisis Plan Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAddiction | Anxiety | Depression | Eating Disorder | Loneliness | Postpartum Depression | Psychosis | Self-Harm