Alcohol and Mental Health

  1. If I drink a lot, does that make me an alcoholic?

  2. Is it normal to black out when drinking?

  3. Why can’t I stop drinking after three beers?

  4. If my parents are alcoholics, am I going to be an alcoholic?

  5. Am I harming myself? Types of self-harm

  6. My children don’t trust me anymore because of my drinking or using

  7. How do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe?

  8. How do I cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

  9. Do I have to stop drinking forever?

  10. How can I stop drinking?

  11. Is it safe to stop drinking by myself?

  12. My friends drink as much as I do. Are they alcoholics too?

  13. Can I go to AA if I don’t believe in God?

  14. Why can’t I stop using drugs or alcohol?

  15. How can I manage my emotions without drugs or alcohol?

  16. How can I identify triggers that make me want to use?

  17. I need to use to feel better

  18. I feel alone and want to use or drink

  19. Everything around me makes me want to use

  20. I’m afraid no one will help me with my sobriety

  21. I drink because I’m anxious

  22. I’ve started drinking or using at work

  23. I don’t know how to be around drinking people sober

  24. I’m addicted to more than one substance. What do I do?

  25. Will I get in trouble for drinking or using at school?

  26. Is it okay to drink with my parents or family?

  27. Do I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober?

  28. What does healthy drinking look like?

  29. My brain feels like it’s screaming at me!

  30. I blame myself for my loved one’s addiction

  31. How do I find a drug/alcohol counselor?

  32. Do I still need to attend meetings if I’ve been in recovery for a while?

  33. A Letter to “Risky Business”

  34. Filling the Void

  35. Helpful vs. Harmful Ways to Manage Emotions

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