All Addiction-Related Articles

  1. I’m addicted to more than one substance. What do I do?

  2. How do I make amends?

  3. Will I get in trouble for drinking or using at school?

  4. My partner doesn’t want me to stop using drugs or get better

  5. Someone I love overdosed

  6. How do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe?

  7. How can I manage my emotions without drugs or alcohol?

  8. Is it okay to drink with my parents or family?

  9. What is recovery like?

  10. Do I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober?

  11. Should I kick out my child for using or drinking?

  12. How do I deal with suicidal thoughts and addiction?

  13. What do healthy boundaries look like in recovery?

  14. How to cope when a loved one relapses

  15. How do I overcome judgment while in recovery?

  16. What does self-care look like in recovery?

  17. Everyone else in recovery is doing better than me

  18. Is it okay to smoke weed while I am in recovery?

  19. My kid started smoking weed. How do I talk to them?

  20. How do I deal with anger in recovery?

  21. I feel like I’m missing out on my kids’ lives because of my addiction

  22. Should I reconnect with my toxic friend or family member?

  23. How do I deal with trauma and addiction?

  24. What does healthy drinking look like?

  25. How do I cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

  26. How can I cope with bipolar disorder and addiction?

  27. How do I find myself again in recovery?

  28. I will never change or get better

  29. How do I deal with my emotions when I’m sober?

  30. 50 self-care activities to do when you don’t know where to start

  31. How do I keep going after relapse?

  32. I got fired from my job because of my addiction or mental illness

  33. I don’t like the way my mind and body are changing in recovery

  34. How do I deal with depression and addiction?

  35. Can I be a good parent if I have an addiction?

  36. Nothing excites me anymore

  37. Can I use mental health meds if I have an addiction?

  38. My brain feels like it’s screaming at me!

  39. I blame myself for my loved one’s addiction

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For people who are concerned about their use of alcohol, drugs, or other behaviors, like gambling or self-harm.