Youth Mental Health Articles Newest Default A-Z Z-A Newest Oldest What can I do instead of hurting myself?Do I have anxiety?What happens if my teacher knows I self-harm?How do I deal with being ghosted?Why do people say hurtful things?I hold grudgesIs social media making me depressed?How can I stop feeling so insecure?How do I give love to others?How do I love myself?What does it mean to be non-binary?Will people like the real me?I am a failureWho am I really?Can I accept myself?How to cope when a loved one relapsesI’m bullied because I’m LGBTQ+/queerIs it okay to drink with my parents or family?How do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe?Someone I love overdosedWill I get in trouble for drinking or using at school?I can’t sit still!Dealing with Tough SituationsSocial Confidence and ConnectionsHow do I tell my parents I have an addiction?What makes a good friend?How can connecting with others help my mental health?I overthink everythingNo one cares about me8 signs of an emotionally abusive relationshipWhy am I having suicidal thoughts?I don’t want to live, but I don’t want to die.What is abuse?Is my family dysfunctional?How can I set boundaries with my family?What is trauma?Nobody likes meHow can I be ok when the world is terrible?I’m feeling lonely.I miss my friends.1 2 Next Learn About Other Related Mental Health ConditionsAbuse | ADHD | Anxiety | Depression | Eating Disorder | Loneliness | Relationships | Self-Harm | Sleep | Suicide