Mental Health Treatment Info

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Need to talk to someone? (Warmlines) Local and national phone numbers for when you just need to talk. Location: Local Service Type: Community Support, Peer-Run Learn More

How can I take charge of my own mental health? If you search online for information about how to treat mental illness, you’ll see a lot of information about medications and therapy. That goes for our site too—after all, medications and therapy are important... Learn More

How do you treat mental illness? For most people, some combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and support is helpful for treating mental illness. Some of these are more effective than others for certain conditions and certain people. It may... Learn More

Mental health support groups For many people speaking in a group can be better for some people than going to individual therapy. This is because you don’t always have to talk. You can listen to other people’s stories.... Learn More

How do I find the right medication for my mental health? It would be really nice if there was one perfect medication for every mental health concern. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work that way. There are many different types of medications, and they all work... Learn More

How does therapy work? What to expect Therapy is a great way to improve your mental health. Understanding how it works can help you feel more comfortable when you go. There are many different types of therapy, and every therapist is... Learn More

How do I find a therapist? So you’ve decided to speak with a therapist. That’s wonderful! Therapy is a great way to improve your mental health. But what now? Actually finding a therapist can be intimidating—fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there to help you! If you’re a minor or a student… If you’re... Location: Local Service Type: Community Support, Online, Therapy Learn More

How can I improve my mental health on my own? Therapy and medication aren’t the only ways to improve your mental health.  There are lots of things that you can do on your own! Taking steps to educate yourself, learn your mind and body,... Learn More

50 self-care activities to do when you don’t know where to start Self-care isn’t selfish: it’s necessary. It helps us feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Regularly engaging in practices of self-care can help us perform, feel, and be at our best. Self-care is essential to... Learn More

Thinking traps: How can I deal with negative thoughts? What do you do when you feel “stuck”? When you see the world through a negative lens, it can feel like everything is terrible and there’s no way out. Life is hard, and you... Learn More

How do I get an emotional support animal? Taking care of an animal can be a great way to improve your mental health . But not every landlord allows pets. You can get around this if a mental health professional certifies that... Learn More

How can I get help without my family knowing? Dealing with mental health issues on your own can be a major challenge. Getting help is an important part of most people’s recovery. But when you’re under 18, it can be hard to know... Learn More

How do I get a service animal? Taking care of an animal can be a great way to improve your mental health . But not every landlord allows pets. You can get around this if a mental health professional certifies that... Learn More

How to help someone make decisions about their mental health Making decisions about mental health is hard. Helping a loved one make these decisions can take a huge load off their shoulders. But if you’re not on the same page, you can end up... Learn More

Taking care of yourself spiritually “Eat your veggies.” “Get enough rest.” “Exercise.” Those are clear suggestions. But what does it mean to “take care of yourself spiritually?” For many people, being spiritual means participating in rituals, studying religious texts,... Learn More

How can I get mental health help in a small town? Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, but getting treatment in a small town can be really hard. Small towns typically have fewer mental health care providers, and you may... Learn More

I hate the holidays! Despite all the films, music, and greeting cards telling you otherwise, no, the holidays do not have to be the “happiest time of the year.” In fact, it’s really common for people to feel... Learn More

I’m afraid to talk to anyone about my mental health Mental health problems are hard and confusing. Having to then keep that a secret from other people can be exhausting and alienating. When you are dealing with something so difficult, the instinct to want... Learn More

What does peer support look like? When you are first diagnosed with a mental health concern and/or substance abuse concerns it leaves you with lots of questions. What is there hope for me? What do I do now? It’s normal... Learn More

What happens to a medication once it’s in my body? Knowing how your body processes mental health medication can be helpful in understanding your own medication regimen. It can help you feel a sense of control over your treatment and feel more comfortable with... Learn More

Why do mental health meds affect people differently? Mental health medication can work well for some people, yet not work at all for others. 40% of psychiatry patients discontinue their medication within 90 days of prescription because of side effects or lack... Learn More

Can meditation improve my mental health? Meditation is skyrocketing in popularity . Given the number of uses of meditation, this trend makes sense. People meditate for personal development, stress management, and relaxation . And more than ever, people are also meditating for their... Learn More

Who makes mental health decisions for me if I can’t? Health care power of attorney (POA) Learn More

I don’t want to take medication! Medications are just one of many treatment options for mental illness. There’s also therapy, lifestyle changes, and alternative treatments like herbal supplements. Each of these has their own pros and cons—there’s no one treatment... Learn More

What should I look for in a mental health app? Mental health is personal – because there are many different ways to experience mental health problems, the best treatment can depend on the individual. The same can be said of mental health apps. When... Learn More

How does online therapy work? There are many reasons why someone might be hesitant to go see a therapist in person. One possible solution is online therapy, also called teletherapy. Online therapy can be a great option, especially if:... Learn More

Dealing with Trolls in Online Support Communities Online support communities like MHA’s Inspire can be a safe space for people with mental health conditions to share information and provide comfort to each other. And a lot of people have found strength... Learn More

Set up a psychiatric advance directive (PAD) A psychiatric advance directive (PAD) is a legal document completed in a time of wellness that provides instructions regarding treatment or services one wishes to have or not have during a mental health crisis... Learn More

How to use your health insurance Every health insurance plan is different, so it’s important to check your insurance plan to see what services it covers. You would look up your mental health benefits the same way you find your... Learn More

How health insurance works Health insurance is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your family in case you get sick or injured and need medical care. Some people receive insurance from their employers, other... Learn More

Where can I find people like me? Living with a mental health condition can be isolating. It can feel like no one gets it, you can’t explain it, and you are the only one struggling. Loneliness tends to make whatever we’re... Learn More

How to talk to your parents about mental health Worksheet to help you start the conversation. Learn More

Lyf App: You’re Not Alone Share your journey with others who will relate. Learn More

Is getting a pet good for mental health? How joyful it is to come home to a loyal companion. Unconditional love is just the start of a wonderful relationship that’s possible with a pet. There are so many benefits of having an... Learn More

What do good coping skills look like? When things get stressful, people often tell us to use our coping skills. But, in our heads, we might be thinking, “What are coping skills?” It’s a term that gets used a lot but... Learn More

How to be strong What comes to your mind when you think about being strong? Is it mental or emotional strength? For example, when it comes to being mentally strong, your mind may go to crossing off everything... Learn More

Getting physically active The dusty tennis shoes. The unused gym membership. The jump rope coiled at the back of the closet. Many of us have proof that it is tough to stick with exercising. But if we... Learn More

Should I go to therapy? The idea of therapy can be a little daunting to some people, and understandably so. Opening up about your deepest, darkest secrets to a total stranger doesn’t come naturally to most of us, and... Learn More

Exercising can be hard—but good for mental health! 9 easy tips We know that exercise is good for your mental health. It helps you relieve stress, regulate your nervous system, and get those feel-good chemicals pumping. What isn’t always as clear is how you’re supposed... Learn More

How can I function with no sleep? No matter the reason we didn’t get enough sleep—living with a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, no work-life balance, or otherwise— we’re exhausted. We may find it difficult to focus, our... Learn More

Can genetic testing help me find the right mental health meds? Many people find a medication plan that works for them by testing out different medications or dosages, each varying in effectiveness and possibly resulting in negative side effects. This process can be time-consuming and... Learn More

6 ways to practice self-compassion If a close friend or sibling has a bad day, we are all quick to send them a mood-boosting text or run out and grab dinner with them. We send flowers to sick family... Learn More

I feel better. Can I go off my meds? Lots people have complicated feelings about medications. If you’re feeling better now, it’s probably because the medication worked! That’s a good thing. On the other hand, maybe the medication gives you side effects. Or... Learn More

How fast do mental health meds work? There are many different types of mental health meds, and they all work on different time scales. Let’s look at a few different types of medications and their differences: As needed Some medications do... Learn More

How to find an anti-racist therapist Finding a good therapist means finding someone you feel comfortable with, who you can trust, and has some knowledge or experience working with people who are like you. That includes your personality, your specific... Learn More

Is my therapist being racist? It’s common to have strong feelings about something your therapist has said. Having difficult conversations is a part of therapy—but therapists do make mistakes. When the statement is related to your culture or identity,... Learn More

What meds treat depression? Several types of medications can be used to treat depression. Most of these are called antidepressants. They work by restoring the balance of the chemicals in your brain. How do antidepressants work? There are a... Learn More

How can I manage my emotions? Acknowledge when you’re not feeling great. Emotional awareness is the process of recognizing and acknowledging your feelings. Having emotional awareness can equip you to properly manage and improve your mental hygiene. When humans feel... Learn More

What can keeping a journal do for my mental health? When was the last time that you picked up a pen and paper and wrote something longer than a to-do list? If you’re like us, it’s probably been a while. Journaling is one of... Learn More

I can’t afford mental health meds! Your mental health medications are an important part of your care, but they can also be expensive. Fortunately, you may have options for getting lower-cost drugs or help covering the costs. You may be... Learn More

How to keep a mental health journal Coping with a mental health condition can be difficult, but journaling may help. Journaling can help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Additionally, you can use your journal to help you... Learn More

My loved one doesn’t want to take meds Your loved one is struggling with a mental health issue. You’re pretty sure medication can help them feel better, but they won’t take it. What can you do? Remember it’s their decision Keep in... Learn More

I can’t afford therapy! Therapy can be life-changing. It can give you a safe space to work through mental health struggles and provide you with the skills to cope. It can help you heal from pains in your... Learn More

How can I help a loved one with a mental illness? If someone you care about is experiencing mental illness, it can be hard to know how to help. You might find their behavior confusing or frustrating, and they might not always react to your... Learn More

I don’t like my therapist Therapy is one of the best ways to improve your mental health—but it’s not always easy. You can’t expect to have a breakthrough every time you walk through the door, but you can expect... Learn More

What should I look for in a therapist? Choosing the right therapist can be stressful. It can feel like you’re putting your mental health in their hands—so how do you make sure you pick someone who will take the best care of... Learn More

Who can I talk to about my mental health? When you’re worried about your mental health, it’s easy to feel alone. It might feel like no one understands what you’re going through. You might not even fully understand it yourself! Reaching out can... Learn More

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) What is CBT? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is one of the most common types of therapy used today. It can be used to treat many different types of mental health issues. A lot... Learn More

I’m afraid I’ll go to the hospital again Going to the hospital can be nerve-wracking, even if you’ve gone before and know more or less what to expect. There are lots of reasons why, but let’s take a look at some common... Learn More

I don’t want to go to therapy! We get it—therapy doesn’t always sound like the most fun way to spend your time. If you’ve never gone to therapy before, it might seem scary or uncomfortable. If you have seen a therapist,... Learn More

Should I talk to someone about my mental health? Yes. You should tell someone. Because being alone sucks. If you’ve been struggling for enough time that you’re googling this, then you probably know somewhere in your heart that you should reach out and... Learn More

Can an app help my mental health problems? There are many ways to deal with mental health problems, and usually a combination of methods is a good approach. Examples include therapy, support groups, medication, and lifestyle changes. Sometimes, getting into services can... Learn More

How can I find accurate mental health information online? One of the great things about the Internet is that it provides people with access to lots of information. You can just Google a phrase like “treatment for depression” and find 350,000,000 results. That’s... Learn More

Getting the Most out of Therapy Therapy likely will work best if there is a partnership between you and the therapist. Take an active part in your sessions and think ahead about what you want to change in your life.... Learn More

Types of Therapy There are many different types of therapy, including those that are most effective with families or groups of people. You can learn about your options by talking with people you trust, like your family... Learn More

About Peer Supporters Peers are people in recovery from mental health conditions, and peer supporters use their life’s experience to help others along pathways to recovery. They are living proof that recovery is possible, and that living... Learn More

Do I need to go to the hospital? It’s common for people to go to the hospital because of a mental illness. Sometimes people go specifically because of what the hospital has to offer. Other times, it’s just the first place we... Learn More

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy developed in the 1980s by Marsha Linehan. DBT provides clients with tools to manage painful emotions and reduce conflict in relationships. DBT focuses on... Learn More

I think my medication is making me feel worse Seeking treatment for mental illness can be hard. It often takes time to realize you are experiencing mental illness in the first place—and even more time to feel ready to seek treatment. Taking the... Learn More

I can’t deal with the side effects of my medications All medications and medical treatments have potential side effects, and psych medications are no different. While some people experience no side effects, the more common side effects like sexual dysfunction, weight gain, tremors, and... Learn More

How do I find religious focused therapy? The internet is perhaps your best tool for finding religious-focused therapy, but make sure you use an array of key words when searching. Use words related to your religion, combined with various terms related... Learn More

How do I find LGBTQ-friendly therapy? Not all therapists are equally knowledgeable or affirming of LGBTQ+ issues. Luckily, the internet has made it easy to do a lot of research on potential therapists before making an appointment. One of the... Learn More

How do I ask my friends and family for help? When I got my first job, I moved a couple states away from my friends and family. I didn’t want to admit that moving away from home made me feel isolated, that I was... Learn More

How do you treat depression? We are not our depression, although it may feel that we are at times. When my depressive symptoms were at their worst I reached out for professional medical help and also spiritual guidance. Through... Learn More

Do I have to take medication forever? The simplest answer to this question is “it depends.” Much of the information available says that—once you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder—you will have to take medication for the rest of your life. Most... Learn More

How do I love myself? If your childhood was hard and you weren’t sure you were loved, it’s not surprising that even as teenagers or adults, we have a hard time loving ourselves. So, if you struggle to love... Learn More

I can heal Life brings us many challenges. Sometimes, those experiences can be painful and stay with us for a long time. Maybe you’ve reached a point where you want to start healing the parts of yourself... Learn More

How to tell someone they’ve hurt you You may be friends with someone who is hurting, but they don’t see how their words and actions are hurting others, including you. Confrontation is always difficult, no matter the person. For some of... Learn More

Should I tell my supervisor about my mental illness? It can be difficult to decide if you should talk to your supervisor about a mental health condition. Though this is changing in many places, there still may be a stigma in some workplaces.... Learn More

My coping skills aren’t working anymore We all have coping skills that we rely on to feel better during tough times. If your go-to techniques just aren’t working anymore, you’re not alone. It’s frustrating and scary to hit a wall... Learn More

What happens if I call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline? Suicide is one of those incredibly difficult topics to talk about. If you’re having thoughts about suicide, it can feel like there’s no one to turn to that can actually understand what you’re going... Learn More

I can’t sit still! Nobody likes having to sit through a boring meeting. But for some of us, it goes way beyond that. Having to sit still for more than a few minutes can be almost physically painful.... Learn More

How do you treat psychosis? Like other mental illnesses, treating psychosis depends on the kinds of symptoms you have and how severe they are. The best results come from combining multiple approaches. Changing your eating habits, getting therapy, figuring... Learn More

How do you treat anxiety? For most people, some combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and support are helpful for treating anxiety disorders. Some of these are more effective than others for specific conditions and certain people. It may... Learn More

How do you treat PTSD? PTSD can be treated successfully.  The sooner you seek and get effective treatment, the faster you may recover and feel better.  Although your memories won’t go away, you can learn how to manage your... Learn More

Stimulant medications Stimulant medications, like Ritalin and Adderall, are the most common treatment for ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder). When taken as prescribed by a doctor, they’ve proven to be safe and effective for many people... Learn More

How do you treat bipolar? For most people, some combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and support are helpful for treating bipolar disorder. Some of these are more effective than others for certain people. It may take some time... Learn More

How quickly do anxiety meds work? It depends on what type of medication you are prescribed. There are many different types of anxiety medications, and they all work differently. Generally, you can think of anxiety meds in 2 categories: Long-term... Learn More

What does self-care look like in recovery? For many of us, learning to live in recovery requires asking ourselves if our behaviors and habits are helping or hindering us from living our best lives. Learning to take care of ourselves is... Learn More

How can I manage my emotions without drugs or alcohol?   Our brains are strong and resilient. It constantly builds brains cells throughout our lifetime. It may take time, but it can repair itself. It may not heal fully…but making active changes will cause... Learn More

How do you treat ADHD? Living with ADHD can be a challenge. Sometimes, you might feel discouraged or hopeless. It can be hard to study, get work done, or make good decisions. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for ADHD.... Learn More

Do I have to take meds for psychosis? The decision about whether to take medications for any mental health condition—including psychosis—is up to you. You shouldn’t be forced into treatment that you’re not comfortable with. There are a lot of people who... Learn More

What mental health accommodations can I ask for at work? Mental health accommodations at work can greatly improve our mental health and our sense of well-being. Sometimes, our mental health can get in the way of us doing our jobs effectively. When this happens,... Learn More

What can I do to recover from PTSD on my own? Self-care.  Recovering from PTSD is an ongoing process that takes time.  You will usually need the help of others to get through it. But there are healthy steps you can take by yourself to... Learn More

How do I stop harming myself? Cutting (and other types of self-harm) may give you the sense of control you seek over your life or your body. Or maybe it helps you bury the pain that you don’t want to... Learn More

How do I make sober friends? Let’s face it, making friends is hard work, and making friends in recovery can be even more difficult. Rest assured though, you are not alone. You might be one of those people that says... Learn More

I don’t like the way my mind and body are changing in recovery Recovery is a big life change, in more ways than one. Not only are you getting back to your “norm” with your body and mind, but you are also taking better care of yourself. Try to... Learn More

How do I overcome judgment while in recovery? People judge no matter what until it’s been a few years. When you are early in recovery, you still might be judged by your past, but I do what’s right for me. Patricia, Virginia... Learn More

How to cope when a loved one relapses When a loved one relapses, many people may feel disappointment or even anger towards their loved one. Trust issues and old wounds become evident all over again. People take it personally when a loved one... Learn More

I’m bullied because I’m LGBTQ+/queer Unfortunately, bullying is a common experience in the LGBTQ+ community. It happens online, in school, at work, or even from people who are supposed to love and care for us. And discriminatory laws and... Learn More

Do I need to break up with my friends who use when I’m sober? Some friends might not be a problem. Some friends you may have to reevaluate. Were we just friends because we used together? You have to look at it. Jim, New York When you first... Learn More

How do I manage an addiction while I’m stuck at home? One of the most important aspects of recovering from an addiction is finding healthy support systems. What happens when you can’t go out to meet with those supports in person? Being alone and isolated... Learn More

How can I manage my mental health while working from home? For many people, working from home sounds like a dream come true. You’re getting paid, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your living room! In some ways, it can be... Learn More

I can’t sleep! A good night’s sleep is one of the best feelings. And not being able to sleep even when you’re tired… well, that’s one of the worst. It’s not great for your mind or body... Learn More

How can I recover from bipolar disorder on my own? Therapy and medication aren’t the only ways to treat bipolar disorder. There are lots of things you can do on your own! Learn all you can about bipolar disorder. You can find lots of... Learn More

How can I stop using drugs? If you’re reading this, drugs are probably a big part of your life—and you’re ready for this to change. The big goal of stopping your drug use can be broken down into smaller steps.... Learn More

How can I stop drinking? If you’re reading this, alcohol is probably a big part of your life—and it’s starting to take over. Fortunately, the big goal of stopping your alcohol use can be broken down into smaller, more... Learn More

I’m afraid to tell anyone I feel depressed Depression is hard and confusing. Having to then keep that a secret from other people can be exhausting and alienating. When you are dealing with something so difficult, the instinct to want to share... Learn More

Why does drinking or using make me push people away? Sometimes pushing people away is easier than letting them in. Unknown Shame, unworthiness, and judgment are just a few reasons why our drug or alcohol use makes us push people away. We may be... Learn More

What if my partner and I are both in recovery? One advantage of having a partner in recovery is that you are able to understand each other. You are both going through your own recovery journeys at the same time, so you may be... Learn More

Do I still need to attend meetings if I’ve been in recovery for a while? First, congratulations on being in recovery! For many people, recovery meetings are places where people come together and share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other. It provides encouragement and support to continue... Learn More

Nothing excites me anymore When you first come into recovery, you experience a lot of emotions. You can have a sort of mourning towards your old way of life and may even become depressed. Sometimes, you may feel... Learn More

How do I deal with my emotions when I’m sober? In 12-step programs, the process of dealing with your emotions is called emotional sobriety.  To help you get and stay sober, you have to learn how to pay attention to and manage your emotions.... Learn More

How do I find myself again in recovery? It’s normal to feel like we don’t know who we are when we first start recovery.  Some of us in addiction have not lived a “normal” life in a long time. And it’s okay... Learn More

Everyone else in recovery is doing better than me In recovery, you are doing better if you are doing something. Patricia, Virginia It’s not unusual to feel like others are doing better in their recovery journeys than we are. It’s hard to see... Learn More

What do healthy boundaries look like in recovery? Boundaries are things you set for yourself to promote and assure your recovery. It’s especially important to think about boundaries in your first year of recovery.  If you didn’t have models of boundary setting... Learn More

What is recovery like? It’s learning to live again. You feel naked – raw. Heather, 47 The path to recovery is a long and winding road. It isn’t always straightforward.  You’re relearning how to be yourself again which... Learn More

Can esketamine treat depression? Esketamine is a type of ketamine that has originally been used as a general anesthetic. Recently, it was approved by the FDA for use as a medication for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). It is the... Learn More

Can ketamine treat depression? Ketamine is a medication that has mainly been used for anesthesia and pain management. In recent years, researchers have found that lower doses of ketamine can also be used to help with severe or treatment-resistant... Learn More

How do you treat tardive dyskinesia? Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a movement disorder, where a person has uncontrollable movements of their face or body. It’s a possible side effect of antipsychotic medications. Finding out you have a movement disorder... Learn More

How can I work with my loved one’s mental health care providers? There are many ways to support someone who is experiencing a mental health concern. One thing you can do is help them to communicate with their health care providers. In a way, you become... Learn More

Treating Internet Addiction The Internet is a wild and wonderful place which has forever changed the way we live, learn, and work – but when a person can’t find a balance between their time online and their... Learn More

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) uses a cellphone-sized device that stimulates the cranium and brain with a current that cannot usually be sensed by the consumer (below four milliamps). No serious side effects have been... Learn More

How do I take care of myself? Sometimes taking care of yourself is hard. Especially when you are feeling depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed with trauma, stress, or a busy schedule. When dealing with the stress of daily life, it’s easy to... Learn More

Do I have to go to 12-step to quit? It’s completely understandable why you might not want to go to 12-step. Maybe there’s trauma associated with it, you had a bad experience, or hasn’t worked for you in the past. Maybe you have... Learn More

How to make friends as an adult Comfort. Connection. Common ground.  That’s a good start to making adult friendships.  The stakes seem higher when you’re older, but that’s because you have greater expectations.  When you’re young, you might just hang out... Learn More

How do I ask for what I need? Asking for what we need can be intimidating, scary, or even painful. This is especially true for those of us who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect. Growing up in a home where your... Learn More

I can stop wanting control While control can help us feel prepared or safe, ultimately, it doesn’t feel good to try to control everything. Chances are, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and still scared because you feel like you... Learn More

I can do hard things There is no instruction manual for how to do hard things. You may start and then need to start again. You may need to change your strategy. There will probably be a lot of... Learn More

My kid started smoking weed. How do I talk to them? When you first find out your kid is smoking weed you get upset. You might get angry and want to react before you think, be it yelling or punishing. Or you may worry that... Learn More

How do I tell my parents I have an addiction? Telling parents you have an addiction is one of the toughest things you can do.  Fear, guilt, shame, and a feeling of being overwhelmed rise up in you.  When you’re in recovery, making the... Learn More

I’m afraid no one will help me with my sobriety It’s overwhelming to think about what happens once you’re sober. Where you’ll live, where you’ll work, and what support is out there for you. There are many barriers to getting help managing an addiction... Learn More

Can therapy help with psychosis? It’s very helpful to have someone that stands with you and believes you—even if they don’t experience it themselves. Autumn, 26 Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia can present with psychotic symptoms. Psychosis can cause... Learn More

Seasonal depression: 5 ways to feel better When the weather gets gray and gloomy, your mood may start to mirror what’s happening outside. The lack of sunny, warm days can impact your brain more than you realize, and there’s a very... Learn More

How do I stay grounded in reality? “Really early in life, I would get to points where I would feel like I wasn’t real, humans weren’t real, there’s no real world… Anytime I feel like that, for whatever reason, I can’t... Learn More

What lifestyle changes can help me manage psychosis? Psychosis can make you feel like you are not in control of your mind. It can be debilitating when trying to perform basic daily activities. But by making positive improvements in your daily living... Learn More

What is Vraylar? Vraylar is one of the newest antipsychotic medications. It was approved for use in the United States by the FDA in 2015. It is mainly used to treat schizophrenia or bipolar disorder I. Its chemical name is... Learn More

What meds treat anxiety? Many different medications can be used to treat anxiety. Each type of anxiety medication works in a different way, and they often target different symptoms or types of anxiety. Many times, people take multiple... Learn More

How can I tell someone I’m suicidal? Telling someone that you are suicidal is an incredibly difficult and brave act. It takes a lot of courage to share your thoughts about dying with another person. If you are unsure about how... Learn More

How can I tell someone I’m harming myself? Opening up to someone about self-harm is a brave choice. It can be scary to admit something that you may have kept secret for a while. It’s easy to feel alone or like no... Learn More

How can I set boundaries with my family? When you grow up around unhealthy behaviors, it is normal to believe that this is just how families are and that you are destined to continue on this path. Two important steps to processing... Learn More

What can I do about treatment-resistant depression (TRD)?   It’s hard when you’re taking medication that is supposed to treat your depression, but nothing seems to be helping. If you’ve tried two or more treatments and you still experience symptoms of depression,... Learn More

What are the side-effects of antipsychotic meds? Antipsychotics are a type of medication, used to treat various mental health conditions. Their main uses are for psychotic symptoms, in conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. But they’re also used for other conditions,... Learn More

How can I achieve better work-life balance? Balancing work responsibilities with personal responsibilities is hard. It can feel like when we succeed in one area of our lives another one fails. Working late, working on our days off and overworking hurts... Learn More

How can I manage stress at work? Some stress is healthy and can help you react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation. At work, stress can motivate you to perform well. But too much stress can make it hard to... Learn More

How can I find support as a caregiver? Taking care of another person can be very stressful. It’s important to also take care of yourself. Your own mental health is important for its own sake—and being mentally healthy will also make you... Learn More

How can I access a loved one’s mental health care info? If you’re helping take care of a family member or friend who is experiencing mental health concerns, at some point you will probably want to speak with their healthcare providers about their treatment. Privacy... Learn More

I think my bipolar meds are making me feel worse Seeking treatment for bipolar disorder can be hard. Even just figuring out that you have bipolar disorder is hard enough! Taking the first steps to get better is really brave. But it can be... Learn More

How fast do bipolar meds work? It depends on what type of medication you are prescribed. There are many different types of medications for bipolar disorder, and they all work differently. The most common medications used to treat bipolar disorder are... Learn More

Do I have to take meds for bipolar? Bipolar disorder affects each person differently. For most people, some combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and support are helpful for treating bipolar disorder. Some people, including many mental health professionals, believe that medications are... Learn More

What meds treat bipolar? Several types of medications can be used to treat bipolar disorder. The most common ones are generally called mood stabilizers. They work by restoring the balance of the chemicals in your brain. Mood stabilizers... Learn More

What are injectable mental health meds? Some people don’t mind medications every day.  If you’re that person, a pill (or oral med) is fine. But if you forget your meds at times, or taking your medication every day is annoying,... Learn More

Finding a Hospital If you decide you need to go to a hospital, your treatment options depend on the level of care you will need to receive. Who administers that care depends on where you go to... Learn More

How can I help a loved one with PTSD? If someone you care about has PTSD, it can affect you too.  Your loved one with PTSD may have symptoms that interfere with your relationship and family life.  If your loved one has PTSD,... Learn More

How do I tell someone I have a problem with drugs or alcohol? Choosing to tell someone something that you’ve kept hidden is a brave decision, and it’s the right thing to do for yourself to get better. You will also decide who you want to tell,... Learn More

Can I go to AA if I don’t believe in God? Yes, although you may have to do some internal mental gymnastics to be cool with it. Here’s the first three steps of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous): We admitted we were powerless over our addiction –... Learn More

How can I explain my eating disorder to other people? It’s hard enough to wrap your own mind around what you’re experiencing, but it can be especially frustrating to explain your eating disorder to other people. It’s been said that describing what life is... Learn More

Do I have to stop drinking forever? The thought of never being able to drink again can be overwhelming—scary, even. For some people, the answer to do I have to stop drinking forever is yes—they quit and never drink again. For... Learn More

How can I help a loved one with anxiety? If you love someone who has an anxiety disorder, there are a lot of ways that you can support them. First step—just learn more about the condition. Read stories from other people who have... Learn More

Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are commonly prescribed antidepressants. They are very similar to the older and more commonly used SSRIs. There is some evidence that SNRIs are more effective in treating severe... Learn More

Can yoga help improve my mental health? Forms of yoga have long been acknowledged as allies in mastering the mind and coping with stress. Science has been proving its benefits in helping with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and... Learn More

Valerian Valerian has long been used for sleep disorders and anxiety and has also been used for other conditions, such as headaches, depression, menopausal symptoms, sedation, irregular heartbeat, and trembling. The research is not yet... Learn More

St. John’s Wort St. John’s Wort is a commonly-taken and well-supported treatment for mild to moderate depression. It may have other benefits, but also has serious risks of drug interactions. Use with antidepressants requires caution and strict... Learn More

Can SAM-e help treat depression? S-adenosyl-L-methionine (commonly called “SAM-e”) is a naturally-occurring chemical component present in all cells of the body, essential in more than 200 metabolic pathways. SAM-e has been approved as a prescription drug for depression in... Learn More

Rhodiola Rosea Rhodiola rosea – called rhodiola, golden root, arctic root, or adaptogen – has been used in Eurasian traditional medicine. Rhodiola promotes good health, strength, endurance, and physical and mental performance. Evidence for the safety... Learn More

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are one of the oldest types of antidepressants still in use. Now that there are more alternatives available, MAOIs are not used as often as they used to be. MAOIs... Learn More

Kava Kava has been shown in more than a dozen placebo-controlled studies to be effective with good tolerability for treatment of generalized anxiety, with some evidence for stress, depression and insomnia. Kava is generally safe... Learn More

Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo biloba is an ancient Chinese herbal remedy that has been shown to have significant neuroprotective effects. Although ginkgo has a mild effect in protecting against mild cognitive impairment/dementia, it probably does not prevent... Learn More

Can chromium help treat depression? Chromium is a well-tolerated alternative treatment used for its antidepressant properties. Although the studies are mixed, many experts say chromium treats atypical depression, a condition characterized by increased appetite, hyperphagia (excessive hunger and abnormally... Learn More

Folate Folate, also known as folic acid or Vitamin B9, is an important nutrient, present in leafy green vegetables and in fortified grain products. Low folate levels have been associated with depression and dementia in... Learn More

Inositol Inositol, also called Vitamin B8, has been found to reduce depression, hostility, tension and fatigue. It is a folk remedy for anxiety and sadness. Inositol has been shown in very small studies to be... Learn More

Atypical Antidepressants Atypical antidepressants are antidepressants that don’t fall under any of the 4 main classes of antidepressants. They’re most often prescribed if you’ve tried other types of antidepressants, and they didn’t work for you. But... Learn More

Atypical Antipsychotics Atypical antipsychotics are a range of medications that are used mainly to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizoaffective disorder. In some cases, they are used to treat eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder,... Learn More

Antipsychotics Antipsychotics are a type of medication, used to treat a variety of mental health conditions. Their main uses are for mental illnesses that include psychotic symptoms, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. But they’re... Learn More

Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines (“benzos”) are fast-acting anti-anxiety medications. They produce a calming, sedative effect. This makes them helpful for short-term anxiety, panic attacks, or insomnia (trouble sleeping). They are also used to treat seizures and muscle... Learn More

How can I help a loved one with bipolar? If someone you love is living with bipolar disorder, it can be hard to know how to help. Here are some ways to help and things to keep in mind while supporting them. Learn.... Learn More

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are the most commonly prescribed type of antidepressant. Chances are, if you go to your family doctor and say you are depressed, they will prescribe you an SSRI.... Learn More

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were some of the first antidepressants developed. Today, they are not prescribed as often because newer antidepressants like SSRI’s or SNRI’s have fewer side effects . For people who tried other... Learn More

Who can I talk to about my psychosis? When you’re experiencing psychosis, it’s easy to feel alone. It might feel like no one understands what you’re going through. You might not even fully understand it yourself! Reaching out can be scary, but... Learn More

Who can I talk to about my depression? When you’re depressed, it’s easy to feel alone. It might feel like no one understands what you’re going through. You might not even fully understand it yourself! Reaching out can be scary, but there’s... Learn More

How fast do depression meds work? It depends on what type of medication you are prescribed. There are many different types of depression medications, and they all work differently. Antidepressants are taken daily and typically take 4 to 6 weeks for... Learn More

Who can I talk to about my bipolar disorder? When you’re experiencing bipolar disorder, it’s easy to feel alone. It might feel like no one understands what you’re going through. You might not even fully understand it yourself! Reaching out can be scary,... Learn More

Who can I talk to about my anxiety? When you’re experiencing an anxiety disorder, it’s easy to feel alone. It might feel like no one understands what you’re going through. You might not even fully understand it yourself! Reaching out can be... Learn More

What can I do instead of hurting myself? When life gets hard, we want to turn to the things that make us feel better. At one point in time, that may have been hurting yourself with behaviors like cutting, burning, or others.... Learn More

I want to relapse Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day, and it is something that does not get a day off. Demi Lovato It is normal to want to quit at times,... Learn More

Finding LGBTQ+ community in sobriety and recovery Sober queer spaces are magic. It is the opportunity to feel more aligned and in touch with yourself and your community than you thought possible. Catherine, Texas Just like finding queer community for the... Learn More

How can I stop feeling so insecure? Insecurity is no joke. Insecure feelings can become so powerful that you can begin to feel trapped within your body.  And when we focus too much on our flaws, they become stronger and consume... Learn More

Can I use mental health meds if I have an addiction? When I was first prescribed mental health medications I was scared, scared to take them because of my substance use disorder. I was afraid I would become addicted to them or that it would... Learn More

Can I be a good parent if I have an addiction? When I was in my addiction I couldn’t take care of myself. How can you take care of others? Rachel, Georgia When we are actively using, we usually question who we have become as... Learn More

How do I deal with depression and addiction? Depression will make you feel bad, especially when you are battling addiction. When you have an addiction, life feels out of control. This may cause you to feel lonely, sad, and hopeless. It’s normal... Learn More

How do I keep going after relapse? Addiction recovery is a learning process. It takes a lot of learning about and working on ourselves. It’s a physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual disease. Recovery requires a self-awareness that must be developed... Learn More

How can I cope with bipolar disorder and addiction? People have been struggling with bipolar and substance use disorders for a long time. Sixty-five percent of people with bipolar disorder (BD) have a co-existing medical condition. And forty-two percent of people with BD... Learn More

How do I cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)? It may seem like you’re on a rollercoaster when you stop using substances. Suddenly stopping or drastically reducing your intake of alcohol or drugs can be very challenging, because your mind and body are... Learn More

How do I deal with trauma and addiction? When trauma has shaped you, try not to confuse who you had to become with who you can be. Dr. Thema Bryant Davis Battling both PTSD and addiction together can feel like a never-ending,... Learn More

Should I reconnect with my toxic friend or family member? Sometimes we miss people that we once had in our lives. It’s normal for this to happen and to reminisce on the “good old days” with a few happy memories. Sometimes, we may even... Learn More

How do I deal with anger in recovery? Anger and irritation are common emotions we feel when we are dealing with addiction and recovery. Addiction can push us to the limits of our resources and make us feel angry and/or irritated. Addiction... Learn More

Is it okay to smoke weed while I am in recovery? Once in recovery a lot of people begin to question if they can smoke weed and use other drugs in moderation. This isn’t an uncommon thought, and it’s okay to ask yourself this question.... Learn More

How do I deal with suicidal thoughts and addiction? Struggling with suicidal thoughts and addiction can be isolating and feel heavy. Addictions are ways that we might self-medicate our mental health issues, but over time, they often make mental health concerns worse. Know... Learn More

Should I kick out my child for using or drinking? It’s terrifying when your child starts drinking or using. You desperately want to help them, but you’re not sure what to do anymore. It can be difficult to do that, especially when you’re scared... Learn More

How do I tell my parents their drinking or using makes me feel unsafe? It’s never easy to talk to someone about their drinking or substance use, especially a parent. Chances are, you have a lot of big feelings about it. You may feel anxious, sad, angry, isolated,... Learn More

How do I make amends? Repairing your life from addiction requires us to look at past experiences, our past traumas, things we want and need to change. And apologizing for things we’ve done because of addiction. Making amends, even... Learn More

I don’t know how to be around drinking people sober I felt really disrespected. It felt like a slap in the face when people were drinking around me, and I was trying to stay sober. Allie, New York When you get into recovery, it’s... Learn More

My child is being bullied. What can I do? We want the best for our children. So it’s devastating when we learn that they are being bullied. We’re heartbroken that we couldn’t protect them from this terrible experience. And we may feel powerless... Learn More

How can I help someone who is self-harming? When someone—a friend, a family member, or a loved one—is self-harming, we’re scared for them. All we want is their safety. It hurts us to see them hurt. And we want nothing more than... Learn More

Will depression come back? Some people have depression once in their life and it goes away and doesn’t come back. One study found that 45% of people had depression once in their life, while 55% experienced depression multiple... Learn More

My depression won’t go away It sucks to feel sad, tired, and irritated all the time… especially when it feels like it’s never going to end. Depression is treatable, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to feel better... Learn More

Nothing is helping my depression Even when you do everything you’re “supposed” to do, symptoms of depression can stick around. Part of the experience of depression is that it feels like it will go on forever, and when you... Learn More